Why there should be a Metrolink Station in San Dimas
(Corner of Arrow Hwy and San Dimas Av)

1. The San Bernardino Line is the most productive line in the Metrolink system (about 9,600 weekday boardings in 2000-and growing). It also provides well-patronized Saturday and Sunday service as well.

2. The land is available (assuming it hasn't been sold yet-even if it has been sold, some sort of mixed-use design may still be possible).

3. The proposed station is located on the longest stretch of the San Bernardino Line without any stations. (Covina and Pomona are two adjacent stations that are the farthest apart on the line). Adding a station here should not adversely affect the total s peed (typically, it would add about three minutes travel time).

4. San Dimas residents who currently drive to Covina or Pomona in order to catch a train would be able to avail themselves of a Metrolink station in their own city. This would also save time, energy and vehicle miles traveled.

5. The Metrolink station parking lots at Covina has been overloaded at times, with parking permits required for the lot nearest to the platform. Again, having a local station in San Dimas would be much more convenient.

6. The proposed San Dimas Metrolink station would be within walking distance to Downtown San Dimas (Bonita Av/San Dimas Av), allowing visitors to enjoy Downtown without having to drive or park there.

7. If the Pasadena Metro Blue Line is ever extended to Claremont (via the Santa Fe right-of-way), it would most likely stop at/near the current Park/Ride lot on San Dimas Av. The San Dimas Metrolink station would be within walking distance of that Blue Li ne station, making transfers between the two services possible.

8. A San Dimas Metrolink station would also provide access to the industrial area on Arrow Hwy, either by walking or via shuttle service.

9. Shuttles could also be implemented that would run from the San Dimas Metrolink to places such as Raging Waters Park, Cal Poly Pomona and Mount San Antonio College, markedly improving transit access from the entire Southern California Region to these po ints of interest.

10. Most trains will slow down and stop to serve the San Dimas Station, resulting in less noise through the adjacent residential area.

Note! This is a proposal. This station does not exist (yet)!

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